
With mysql2 now working on Windows here’s a small update to my hacked together Rails on Windows installer. I also took the opportunity to update the Rails to 3.0.1.

Also replaced the libmysql.dll with the one from MariaDB. That should probably be enough to keep the Oracle lawyers at bay…

Download Rails For (the) Windows v0.2

latest version is v0.4. grab it here

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3 Responses to Rails FTW with Rails 3.0.1 and mysql2 adapter now up

  1. Rails FTW sounds great. Where is the source repo? (sorry, http://github.com/search?q=rails+ftw found nothing)

  2. Bry says:

    I haven’t gotten around to setting up one yet. Basically it’s just a RubyInstaller with Rails, SQLite, and MySQL packaged along with Ruby 1.9.

  3. Ok, thanks for the reply.

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